Elevating the brand presence of The Atlantic Hotel

The Atlantic Hotel
Luxury Travel & Hospitality


Floor Ten worked with The Atlantic Hotel to craft a bank of noticeable content marketing that capitalises on the hotel's unmatched atmosphere, thanks to its outstanding team, and renowned culinary expertise.

  • Showcase the unique aspects of The Atlantic Hotel’s atmosphere, dining experience and quality of service.
  • Increase engagement with their key audience through compelling visual content.
  • Elevate their content marketing so it aligns with the experience within the hotel.

Strategy & Execution

To meet these objectives, our strategy was to create three distinct series of content, each focusing on a cornerstone of The Atlantic Hotel’s appeal.

“The key for this content was to help the guest picture themselves in the property, so they could imagine their stay before it had begun.” – Jacqui Patton, MD, Ink Blot Creative

Spotlight on food:

  • A great joy of staying in a luxury hotel is experiencing the food, and The Atlantic Hotel’s Ocean Restaurant recently won Restaurant of the Year at the prestigious Pride of Britain Hotels Awards.
  • We highlighted the use of local produce, emphasising the hotel’s commitment to quality and the rich culinary heritage of Jersey.
  • We wanted to convey the exceptional quality of the dishes and the sophisticated yet welcoming restaurant atmosphere.
  • This series aimed to transport the audience to Jersey, enabling them to imagine the joy of experiencing local cuisine at its best.

Spotlight on atmosphere:

  • Before booking a stay at a hotel you want to imagine how it will feel to stay there.
  • We focused on the intimate details that define the luxury of The Atlantic Hotel and give a sense of the atmosphere.
  • The exterior and location of the hotel is iconic. However, given the time of year we could not showcase this, so instead leaned into interior details.
  • Public areas, the restaurant and rooms all featured in this content.

Spotlight on beverages:

  • With this series we wanted to capture the feeling of an aperitif before dinner, or a cosy cocktail in the bar before calling it a night.
  • We brought the expertise of the hotel’s team to the forefront, showcasing their skills.
  • These pieces of content provided a taste of what guests could expect, when enjoying the extensive wine list or cocktail menu.


Floor Ten managed the full spectrum of content creation, including strategy, planning, photography, copywriting, video production and editing.

We developed a comprehensive content schedule that detailed the release of each piece, ensuring maximum impact for the hotel and supported the hotel’s marketing team to share the content across their channels.

Patrick Burke, Owner of The Atlantic Hotel, praised the results saying:

"Working with the team at Floor Ten has been a delight. They really understood our property and our guests, creating content that shows us at our best."

This project illustrates the power of thoughtful, well-executed content marketing.

By focusing on the strengths of the hotel the content will not only enhance The Atlantic's brand but also help them to connect with their target audience in a competitive market.

Find out more about our content production services for luxury hotels here.