Generating a 350% increase in social media engagement for FCM Trust

FCM Trust
Financial Services & Wealth Management


Content marketing is an effective way to increase awareness of your business.

Through consistent, strategically led, on brand content that focusses on the needs of the customer and industry, we have successfully increased FCM Trust's social media engagement by 350% year on year.

FCM wanted to increase their thought leadership in private wealth, EBT and corporate services whilst driving new leads and engaging with prospective employees.

Strategy & Execution

With these objectives in mind, we built a comprehensive social media content strategy that aligned to the key objectives of the Board and Exec team. Over the course of the year, we created ongoing content, aimed at bringing their brand story and team to life.

“FCM's team are their greatest asset with extensive expertise and strong client relationships. It was our job to bring this to the forefront of their content.” – Jacqui Patton, Managing Director, Floor Ten
We engaged Floor Ten with a specific focus of getting FCM’s name and message out in the real world. The professionalism, energy and vibrancy of the team has been key. They worked with the FCM team to delivery consistency of message, hit the social media boards and I can confirm have truly delivered the message! - John Wood, Managing Director


Increased social media engagement has led to the following for FCM Trust:

  • Referrals and new leads with their content being described by the leads as a key driving force in their decision to reach out.
  • Sponsorship opportunities that have positioned their brand in front of their target clients.
  • Improvement in their employer brand and increase in team engagement with the brand story.